













I find myself most interested in the areas of Diversity & Inclusion and Organizational Transformation. My goal as an IO 主s graduate is to work towards developing a fair and diverse work environment for employees, while providing a high-functioning and dynamic workforce to help businesses achieve their desired outcomes.




研究生 Assistantship: AAMI Coordinator

你好! 我叫唐. I am an aspiring I/O consultant and Human Resource Generalist. After I earn my 硕士 in the I/O program, I intend to go for a Human Resource position at Target and progress to consulting in prestigious organizations. I want to specialize in training and 选择 and potentially research in improving law enforcement training protocols. 




研究生 Assistanship: Student 体育运动 & 娱乐

服药后 两年 break from schooling, I decided to invest in my career by working towards a s degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I plan to become an external consultant. One of my goals after graduation is to work in a consulting firm in a major city. Till then I will be studying, gaining I/O experience, and enjoying my time here at Valdosta. 




我叫金妮 撒母耳 我现在在 硕士 program at bet365亚洲官网 for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. 我是一名母亲和军人配偶. I graduated from Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA with a 文学学士 历史与文学 文学学士 在心理学中. 在本科学习期间, 我加入了Psi Chi, the International Honor’s Society for Psychology. My professional experience is administrative/clerical/reception positions within the industries of court reporting and litigation, 工程建设, and government contracting for installation social work.  I am pursing this degree as an avenue to serve others in my community, 供养我的家庭, and to make the most of the opportunity of being a military family stationed in Valdosta, GA. I believe this field allows me to make a positively impacting contribution to society by enhancing employee workplace experiences and organizational policies. It also allows me to learn new skills to continue to advance professionally while being able to remain flexible as my location changes with duty station assignments. After completing my 硕士 in I/O, I hope to move into consulting and am open to government contracting. I have a desire to help people with workplace effectiveness and care for their well-being. In my free-time, I like to catch up with the friends I have had to say “see ya later” to through the years and changes of installations. I also like to be outside listening to the sounds of the world and feeling the rich texture of nature. 


研究生 Assistantship: 人力资源
你好. I’m 睚珥我来自佐治亚州盖恩斯维尔. I got my undergraduate degree from Lagrange College. I majored 在心理学中 with minors in Servant Leadership and Business 政府. I chose bet365亚洲官网 for graduate school because this program takes a job-centered approach to the I/O degree in that this program sets you up for success in your career. When I’m not working on finishing my degree, I love to watch 49ers football and Star Wars.




研究生 Assistantship: I/O Program Assistant

你好, 我叫卡特琳·福特, and I came across the field of I/O while I was pregnant and was looking to go back to school. It is an attractive field because it is an area where you still have a lot of potential in helping people in day-to-day tasks. I am a new mom looking for a career that not only helps me and my household but those around me in the workforce. That is why I find so many potential careers in I/O attractive. I am keeping my eyes open to areas that focus on inclusion and diversity in areas that address 选择, 招聘, 和政策.   




研究生 Assistantship: I/O Program Assistant

I我去拿我的 硕士 degree in I/O psychology to pursue a career consulting in the field of training development or personnel 选择. From my time working in training I believe excellent training is the start of improving quality of work life, and I/O has the tools to design that training.




我叫萨拉·凯瑟琳·刘易斯.  I received my Bachelor of Science degree 在心理学中 from Middle Georgia State University. When I made the decision to continue my education, I wanted to find a field within psychology that would give me the option to have different career opportunities.  Because of this, I was drawn to getting my 硕士 degree in I/O Psychology.  毕业后, I hope to work with a consulting firm with a concentration in Talent Management Strategies. 






